by Mary Walsh | Oct 29, 2021 | Bioprocessing, Chemical, Chemistry, Environment, Polymers/Composites
New hope for biodegrading plastics may lie in worm microbiome Fresh hope for new ways to biodegrade plastics may lie in an unusual place … the gut of the yellow mealworm, according to University of Delaware researchers Kevin Solomon and Mark Blenner. About an inch...
by Mary Walsh | Oct 22, 2021 | Biomolecular, Chemical, Collolds/Particles/Interfaces, Engineering, Polymers/Composites
Wagner will speak Nov. 3 on nano and molecular engineering in service of exploration, education and entrepreneurship Editor’s note: Prof. Norman Wagner, the 2020 recipient of UD’s Francis Alison Faculty Award, will present the Francis Alison Lecture on “Nano and...
by Mary Walsh | Oct 20, 2021 | Biopharmaceuticals, Chemical
Partnership with Waters Corporation to focus on biopharma manufacturing needs The University of Delaware is a growing powerhouse in research, education and workforce development focusing on biopharmaceuticals. These complex medicines produced from living cells — from...
by Mary Walsh | Oct 18, 2021 | Chemical, Energy/Sustainability, Environment, Polymers/Composites
It’s green, it’s clean and UD graduate Ashish Lele is working to bring this technology to India and beyond Hydrogen is so hot right now. And not just because this highly combustible gas burns at around 2,000 degrees. The chemical element is also trending among...
by Mary Walsh | Oct 5, 2021 | Chemical, Collolds/Particles/Interfaces, Energy/Sustainability, Materials, Polymers/Composites
UD Engineering Prof. Thomas Epps selected for American Chemical Society 2021 Class of Fellows University of Delaware chemical engineer Thomas H. Epps, III, has been named to the American Chemical Society’s 2021 Class of Fellows. Epps, the Allan and Myra Ferguson...
by Mary Walsh | Oct 1, 2021 | Biomedical, Chemical, Collolds/Particles/Interfaces
UD Prof. Catherine Fromen will use moving models to study how medicines travel in the lungs and gut The human body has built-in protections to keep pathogens out. That sneezing fit or stuffy nose when you have a cold? That’s your body leveraging mucosal linings in...