UD students hold inaugural TEDx event on campus

1:36 p.m., April 11, 2012–Faculty and students are invited to participate in the first TEDx event at the University of Delaware to be held from noon to 3:30 p.m., Sunday, April 15, in 115 Purnell Hall.

The theme for the inaugural UD event is “sustainable curiosity” and includes eight faculty, student and alumni speakers. Combined with a TEDTalks video, the speakers will facilitate small group discussions.

The TEDx program is a national movement, but local organizations drive the events, which are symbolized by the “x.” These organizations host events in keeping with the ideals of TEDx, including a life-long pursuit of personal growth. Individuals participating in events are encouraged to develop a “sustainably curious lifestyle” through TEDx events.

The TEDxUD event is sponsored by the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics, the Blue Hen Marketing Club, the Entrepreneurial Studies Program Initiative Fund, the Career Services Center and Rockland Bakery.

Register for the event here. For more information, contact Dan O’Brian at dano@udel.edu. Learn more about TEDx or TEDxUD.