Department News

Sustainable waste

Sustainable waste

Food science and chemical engineering double major Aidan Gensure studies the transformation of agricultural waste into sustainable oils

Graduate Engineering Students Win Distinguished Fellowship

Graduate Engineering Students Win Distinguished Fellowship

University of Delaware Ph.D. candidates Cameron Ibrahim, Lottie Murray, and Juliana Nam were each awarded a graduate fellowship from the Koerner Family Foundation, an organization dedicated to training and retaining U.S. engineers. These students are among just seven...

Forging bonds

Forging bonds

Engineering alumni commemorate their 50th reunion with gift to support current students

Strengthening UD’s Innovation Culture

Strengthening UD’s Innovation Culture

Small business owners, entrepreneurs and academic researchers recently gathered at the University of Delaware’s Science, Technology and Advanced Research (STAR) Campus for a special workshop to learn ways to successfully compete for federal funding to move health science innovations from the lab to consumers.

Building a Better Space Suit

Building a Better Space Suit

This interdisciplinary project included Norm Wagner, the Unidel Robert L. Pigford Chair, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering; Huantian Cao, chair of the Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies; Richard Dombrowski, former associate research scientist in UD’s Department of Chemical Engineering and co-founder of STF Technologies, and Michelle Yatvitskiy, who graduated this year with a master’s degree in fashion and apparel studies and a graduate certificate in sustainable apparel business.

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