Faculty Profile
Antony N. Beris
Arthur B. Metzner Professor
- Doctorate – 1985 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Bachelors – 1980 National Technical University of Athens
About Antony N. Beris
Our research is concerned with the modeling and simulation of flow processes, transport phenomena and flow-induced phase transitions in systems with a complex internal microstructure. Typical examples include the flow of polymer solutions and melts, turbulent flow, free-surface flows with surfactants, etc. Our primary concern is the interrelationship between the flow and the microstructure. Our approach in dealing with complex dynamic phenomena involving multiple scales in length and time is hierarchical. Our theoretical analysis starts from non-equilibrium thermodynamics considerations of the microstructure. Based on our recently developed modeling approach (see research monograph in the references below), a thermodynamically consistent macroscopic continuum description is achieved. For that, microscopic information is used, which is obtained from models in the literature or generated, as needed. Last, but not least, specific predictions on flow processes of interest are obtained through the use of analytical (i.e., stability analysis and bifurcation theory) and numerical methods (high performance computing simulations). Thus, considerable effort is devoted to the development of suitable numerical methods and their efficient implementation in state-of-the-art computer architectures (vector and parallel supercomputers).
Select Publications
For a complete listing of publications, please view the Full CV.
- Sureshkumar, R., Beris A.N., Handler, R.A., “Direct Numerical Simulation of the Turbulent Channel Flow of a Polymer Solution”, Physics of Fluids 9(3), 743, (1997)
- Beris, A.N., Tsamopoulos, J.A., Armstrong, R.C., et al., “Creeping Motion of a Sphere Through a Bingham Plastic”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 158, 219, (1985)
- Doraiswamy, D., Mujumdar, A.N., Tsao, I., Beris, A.N., et. Al., “The Cox-Merz Rule Extended – A Rheological Model for Concentrated Suspensions and Other Materials with a Yield Stress”, Journal of Rheology 35(4), 647, (1991)
- Mujumdar, A., Beris A.N., Metzner, A.B., “Transient Phenomena in Thixotropic Systems”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 102(2)(si), 157, (2002)
- Dimitropoulos, C.D., Sureshkumar, R., Beris, A.N., “Direct Numerical Simulation of Viscoelastic Turbulent Channel Flow Exhibiting Drag Reduction: Effect of the Variation of Rheological Parameters”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 79(2-3), 433, (1998)
- Sureshkumar, R., Beris, A.N., “Effect of Artificial Stress Diffusivity on the Stability of Numerical-Calculations and the Flow Dynamics of Time-Dependent Viscoelastic Flows”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 60(1), 53, (1995)
- Pilitsis, S., Beris, A.N., “Calculations of Steady-State Viscoelastic Flow in an Undulating Tube”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 31(3), 231, (1989)
- Richards, J.R., Beris, A.N., Lenhoff, A.M., “Drop Formation in Liquid-Liquid Systems Before and After Jetting”, Physics of Fluids 7(11), 2617, (1995)
- Dimitropoulos, C.D., Sureshkumar, R., Beris, A.N., “Budgets of Reynolds Stress, Kinetic Energy and Streamwise Enstrophy in Viscoelastic Turbulent Channel Flow”, Physics of Fluids 13(4), 1016, (2001)
- Sureshkumar, R., Beris, A.N., “Linear-Stability Analysis of Viscoelastic Poiseuille Flow Using an Arnoldi-Based Orthogonalization Algorithm”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 56(2), 151, (1995)
For a complete listing of awards, please view the Full CV.
- Oustanding Doctoral Graduate Student Advising and Mentoring Award (University of Delaware: 2010)
- Dow Outstanding Young Faculty Award of the Middle Atlantic Section of ASEE: 1991
- Chrisovergi’s Award: 1980
- Second Prize in National Mathematical Competition between High-School Seniors: 1975
- Second Prize in International Mathematical Competition ((XVII Mathematical Olympiad) at Burgas, Bulgaria: 1975)
- Fulbright Foreign Scholarship
Research Areas
Modeling and simulation of complex flows, nonequilibrium thermodynamics and transport phenomena.

Office: 265 CLB
Phone: 302-831-8018